Thursday, January 9, 2020
2.3.Fusion Of Traditional And Innovative Technologies.
2.3. Fusion of traditional and innovative technologies In order for innovation to take place, there is a need to examine how traditional approaches can be synthesized with new technologies, in order to attain the most efficient way possible of performing tasks. The overlapping can be minimal, in that only a small percentage of the new technologies are taken on board, to aid or make employing the traditional process more efficient; or it can be total, in that the whole approach to the process or system is overhauled to make way for the new technologies. The Merriam-Webster Online dictionary (2007) defined innovation as the introduction of something new or a new idea, method or device. [45] Innovation in construction, therefore, happens†¦show more content†¦Investigating areas where technology fusion is most likely to happen in construction can assist in identifying the areas where mechanization and automation in all probability will be most relevant. These technology areas may include phases of construction, such as adopting a gr eater percentage of innovative technologies during the design phase, as compared to the construction phase; or it can be in terms of the construction process itself. Some construction processes such as the installation of building components are easier to automate as opposed to, say, substructure or building foundation works. In this case, the drive to innovate is facilitated by the relatively straightforward technological process that is already in place within this area. [8] 2.4. Importance of using mechanization in construction works The importance of the use of mechanization and automation in construction works appears to be increasing on a daily basis. Manual methods are rapidly giving way to mechanical methods in the effort to increase productivity, meet increasingly complex specifications, construct or actualize the growing complexity of modern designs, utilize the numerous new construction materials that are being introduced into the industry, meet tight schedules and targets placed by clients’ demands,Show MoreRelatedSeminar Report on Fuzzy Logic6250 Words  | 25 PagesABSTARCT Fuzzy logic has rapidly become one of the most successful of todays technologies for developing sophisticated control systems. The reason for which is very simple. Fuzzy logic addresses such applications perfectly as it resembles human decision making with an ability to generate precise solutions from certain or approximate information. 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