Monday, August 24, 2020
Fossil Fuels: Our Societys Dependency :: essays research papers
Non-renewable energy sources: Our Society's Dependency Our general public has gotten reliant on non-renewable energy sources for vitality. That appears fine for the time being thinking about the way that everybody is commonly cheerful in the current circumstance. Petroleum derivatives are moderately modest and appear to do the stunt at this moment. Utilizing petroleum products emerge such issues as a worldwide temperature alteration, increasing expenses of scant assets, and deficiencies of crude materials. None of these issues will draw complete consideration until the interest is required, it's the old gracefully and request situation. In spite of the fact that my assessment may appear to be cynical on the off chance that you take a gander at past occasions it focuses to the gracefully and request situation. Â Â Â Â Â During World War II elastic supplies were sliced off toward the western world also, we started to chip away at an exacerbate that was a manufactured elastic. We prevailing in providing the interest and since same engineered compound is utilized today. My hypothesis is that something very similar will occur with so much things as plastic, which is produced using non-renewable energy sources. Somebody will either think of an engineered plastic or think of something to fill in for plastic. The individual who thinks of the arrangement will become and moment mogul and everybody will be cheerful. There is one downside of thusly of taking care of issues, I mean sure it's incredible to hold up until the interest yet we should at present gain from our missteps. We ought to figure out how to prepare and see what the results might be. Â Â Â Â Â We still have different requests to meet, there are three significant requests of petroleum derivatives and they are warming, transportation, and industry. In spite of the fact that transportation is dealt with, we dislike the idea of a sun based vehicle or an electric vehicle yet there are arrangements out there. To be honest the oil organizations try not to need to lose their restraining infrastructure in the transportation business and that brings us into the entire economy issue. In the event that we come up short on non-renewable energy sources what will occur to the economy? Will it endure? These are only a couple of inquiries that are posed ordinary, however until further notice we are simply going to take a gander at answers for requests on petroleum derivatives. This graph underneath outlines the requests and the conceivable arrangements. Vitality Demand Alternative Energy Sources and Practices warming - sunlight based warming, heat siphons, geothermal vitality, biomass gas, and electrical from hydro and atomic plants transportation - liquor/gasohol and hydrogen energizes, and electric vehicles - mass travel, bikes, and strolling - sunlight based vitality, atomic vitality, and hydroelectricity - improved productivity and waste warmth recuperation All in all I don't figure the requirement for a substitute for petroleum derivatives will
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Custom Essay Writing Reviews
Custom Essay Writing ReviewsAre you looking for custom essay writing reviews? These are a great way to go for those writing and essay projects that need to be custom written, or even those who just want to get their name out there as an author. They can provide great feedback and can greatly benefit the writer in regards to the quality of their work.There are many different ways to use this service to gain recognition. Some writers want to get these services so they can obtain the experience they need to get a job at another company or begin writing for a media outlet. Others enjoy the fact that they will be able to offer their opinion about what is working or not working in the industry.The reason why you should always look for one of these services is because they are available through formal online review sites. This way you do not have to pay to join anything that has any type of membership fees. This is something you want to be sure to avoid if you want the best possible reviews .You will find that anyone who is using these services is giving professional opinions on their reviews. These are based off the information the writer has read from others. It is really that simple.Another thing you will want to look for is the help and helpful tips and advice offered by other writers. In addition to the professional opinions you will find that they will often share their opinions with you on any given topic. The tips are great for helping you to refine your style, your writing skills, and any type of formula for success.In addition to these things, you will find that you will be able to get the latest news on any subject and even things like video essays and quick essays. You will be able to find everything you need to be successful in these fields. You can have a constant stream of opportunities presented to you without having to take up a lot of time doing it yourself.If you are looking for custom essay writing reviews then you will find that you have many choic es. There are plenty of writers out there that are offering these services to writers all over the world. You will find that the great thing about these services is that they are going to be helping you get the recognition you deserve and can make you a professional in no time at all.You will need to know how to take advantage of these opportunities so you do not have to work for anything. The more you work, the better you will become and the more money you can make. If you do not know how to get into this process then you will need to find someone who can help you with the steps you need to take to be ready for any type of task.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Intense Procrastination
Intense Procrastination Today I had a ton of work to do. To be fair, I did accomplish some of it. I finished half of my 2.671 homework, half of 2.008, and half of 2.004. Left is 7.012 studying, the second halves to all of those other things, and poetry. These are things I could have worked on tonight. Instead? Instead I listened to the new Muse album (go buy it now) and found a solo in one of the songs (I Belong to You) that I really liked, so I sat down with some paper, a pen, and my clarinet. A while later I had transcribed it. Technically its a bass clarinet solo, but with an octave shift and some creativity when notes dip below my playable range, I got it to sound pretty good. I printed some staff paper and actually wrote it out with ties, accents, and other notation so itd be easier to read and play. Then, Mason 10 busted out the Sibelius and wrote it all out officially, resulting in a nice piece of sheet music. I looked around on YouTube to see if anybody else had covered this on clarinet and, sure enough, somebody had. Eh, decent, but I knew I could do better, so after some misadventures with my Macbooks built-in mic (note, dont use for instrument recording) I made a video of myself playing my little transcription. Now, for your enjoyment, a video of me playing the clarinet solo from Muses new song I Belong to You, along with the sheet music.
Friday, May 22, 2020
A Computational Asset Vulnerability Model For The...
A Critical Review of â€Å"A Computational Asset Vulnerability Model for the Strategic Protection of the Critical Infrastructure†Article Summary of the Article A brief background of this article shows that it presents the doctoral works of Richard White on security under the supervision of Terrance Boult and Edward Chow. The article was published online by the â€Å"International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection.†In this paper, Richard White present a new computational model that can be of help in organizing for strategic protection of the key infrastructure in the US and elsewhere. Under the supervision of Terrance Boult and Edward Chow, R. White presents the Asset Vulnerability Model as a guide to be used in strategizing protection measures of the key infrastructures. The article begins by giving a brief introduction of the genesis of the problem whereby R. White, T. Boult and E. Chow identifies the September 11 attack as the genesis for a need to mitigate the vulnerability of the key infrastructures in the US. They build up a history of the progress that has been taking place since 2001 whereby in 2002, Homeland Security Act was enacted and mandated the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with a prime obligation of protecting the Critical infrastructure in the US. The department developed a protection plan which is in use up to date. However, these authors point out that the plan was full of flaws according to a research conducted by National Research council ofShow MoreRelatedCloud Computing: Fact vs Fog9053 Words  | 37 Pagesthis model have largely been ignored The recent economic turmoil and the promise of Cloud leading a renaissance of the tech sector are shaping the perspective and appetite for Cloud rather than the readiness of the technology itself. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
The Significance of International Sports - 2859 Words
The Significance of International Sports International sporting events have become somewhat of a staple in todays society, whether it be the Olympics, the World Cup, or exhibition games between the New York Yankees and the Tokyo Giants. These competitions generally bring out high spirits and intense enthusiasm. Most people envision sports as childhood pastimes, played for fun and recreation. However, in a lot of cases, international sporting events mean more than just the game or event themselves because they inspire nationalism and patriotism. The patriotism and nationalism that these events inspire, however, is not always positive and can sometimes legitimize superiority claims or inspire anti-foreign sentiment. In 1936, the†¦show more content†¦Thats because boxing is the simplest and rawest of games, hand-to-hand combat by two men with the winner decided by his ability to deliver more punishment than he accepts. And the drama is all but irresistible because boxing is the beast in the human animal, at once repulsive and compelling. The rematch lasted less than a round; Louis knocked out Scmeling in two minutes and four seconds. Heywood Broun of the New York World Telegram theorized that this was the turning point in the war that had not even officially begun: One hundred years from now some historian may theorize, in a footnote at least, that the decline of Nazi prestige began with a left hook delivered by a former unskilled automotive worker who had never studied the policies of Neville Chamberlain and had no opinion whatever in regard to the situation in Czechoslovakia. In my opinion, the series of two fights between Louis and Schmeling remain the most significant internat ional sportingShow MoreRelatedThe Global Financial System Has Influenced By Three Pillars That Have Shaped Modernity1218 Words  | 5 PagesManchester with prestige and globalized supporters. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Learning Style Preferences by Iranian students Free Essays
Introduction Learning manners influence acquisition and that larning result is higher for pupils who are able to utilize multiple acquisition manners ( Felder, 1995 ; Reid, 1987, Reid, 1998 ; Claxton and Murell, 1985 ; Mulalic, Mohd Shah and Ahmad, 2009 ) . Learning manners and penchants vary for each of us and in different state of affairss. Some scholars, for case, prefer to larn by reading text editions, while others prefer a verbal account ( Riazi and Riasati, 2007 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Learning Style Preferences by Iranian students or any similar topic only for you Order Now In add-on, people may differ in how they most efficaciously show their apprehension ; either orally or in authorship and through graphs or figures. In other words, scholars learn and show their apprehensions in assorted ways in different state of affairss. Learning manners refer to the cognitive, emotional, and psychological behavior which serve as comparatively fixed and unchangeable indexs of how scholars understand, interact with and answer to the acquisition environment ( Keefe, 1982 ) . Oxford ( 2003 ) asserted that acquisition manners are the general attacks that scholars utilize in geting a new linguistic communication or in larning any other topics. These manners are the overall forms that give larning behaviour a general way ( Cornett, 1983 ) . By understanding one ‘s learning manner ( s ) , one will be able to develop the accomplishments that help one learns in a assortment of ways to accomplish full potency. This apprehension is besides helpful for instructors and pedagogues because it enables instructors and pedagogues to fit their instruction manners, methodological analysiss, and class organisation with scholars ‘ acquisition manners to assist scholars better their acquisition ( Willing, 1988 ) . Surveies have shown that personality, life experiences, intent for larning and instructors ‘ outlooks affect scholars ‘ acquisition manners with the later being the most dominant influence ( Briggs-Myers, 1986 ; Kolb, 1984 ; Felder, 1996 ; Ballard and Clanchy 1997 ) . In Iran, nevertheless, scholars ‘ acquisition manners have been ignored and have been taken into history as an undistinguished constituent in the learning procedure among Persian EFL scholars in general and first-year university pupils in peculiar. Very small survey has been conducted to place Persian scholars ‘ acquisition manners that non merely would assist scholars ‘ acquisition but besides help better instructors ‘ instruction. Matching these two facets would take to greater success. Nevertheless, Riazi and Riasati ( 2007 ) conducted a survey on 219 Persian scholars of English in Shiraz to place their acquisition manners. The survey employed Brindley ‘s ( 1984 ) linguistic communication larning penchant questionnaire. The participants were from different degrees of direction and different ages. The findings show that the pupils favoured the communicative attack carried out in brace or group work and felt that it helped better their English linguisti c communication accomplishments. They besides preferred taking portion in schoolroom treatment and interaction in larning English. Although this survey found that scholars preferred a communicative attack, scholars at higher establishments in Iran ; peculiarly freshers, are still observed to be inactive scholars of English. Possibly they are incognizant of their acquisition manners and possibly the instruction manners at higher establishments do non fit scholars ‘ acquisition manners. Therefore, the survey presented in this paper was an effort to find Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ acquisition manner ( s ) to assist them understand how they learn and therefore increase their potencies. This survey besides aimed to detect whether there was a difference between male and female fresher university pupils ‘ acquisition manner ( s ) . However, this present survey employed the four types of larning manner penchants developed by Willing ( 1988 ) to look into Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ types of larning manner ( s ) . Learning Styles and Types of Learners Most research surveies on larning manner penchants trace back to the past 30 old ages. Dunn ( 1993 ) asserted that lectors can non place pupil ‘s acquisition manners without using a multidimensional instrument. Without rating, even experienced teachers may misinterpret scholars ‘ behaviors such as hyperactivity or heedlessness ( Mulalic, Mohd Shah and Ahmad, 2009 ) . Reid ( 1987 ) investigated 1300 ESL pupils from three different civilizations ; viz. the Japanese, Malay, and Korean. The survey found that a big figure of these pupils strongly preferred tactile and kinesthetic acquisition manners. The survey besides found that the built-in differences in cultural or linguistic communication backgrounds and subjects ( technology and computing machine scientific discipline ) frequently play an of import function in placing types of cognitive manners. Meanwhile, Willing ( 1988 ) investigated a group of five 100s and 17 scholars from more than 30 cultural groups to analyze whether there is a relationship between larning manner penchants and biographical variables. However, merely five cultural groups were big plenty for statistical analysis ( Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, South Americans, and Polish/Czech talkers ) . The learning manner questionnaire included 30 acquisition manner points, 15 larning scheme points, and a several points on single biographical facets. The consequences indicated that there were cultural differences with respect to the scholars ‘ larning manner penchants. For case, although the agencies of the point ‘I like to analyze grammar ‘ was lower than expected, all scholars from the different civilizations responded that they liked analyzing grammar. The Arabic scholars preferred grammar where 65 % of them ranked this point as the â€Å" best †( Willing 1988 ) . Meanwhile, the findings i ndicated that authority-oriented and analytical acquisition manners were extremely valued by the Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, South American, and Polish pupils. The largely preferable points were ‘practicing sounds and pronunciation in English ‘ and ‘everything explained by their instructor ‘ , and the least preferable ways of larning were ‘playing games ‘ and ‘watching movies ‘ ( Willing 1988, p. 130 ) . Willing ( 1988 ) further identified four types of scholars: concrete, analytical, communicative, and authority-oriented scholars. Nunan ( 1999 ) briefly summarized the definition of these four types of scholars: 1 ) Concrete scholars are those who employ really direct agencies of taking in and treating information ; 2 ) Analytic scholars are those whose cognitive strengths lead them non merely to analyse carefully and show great involvement in constructions but to set a great trade of value on uncovering their independency by executin g these things themselves, autonomously. In other words, they prefer to analyze grammar ( from particular to general ) , analyzing English books and reading newspapers, analyzing separately, happening their ain errors, and working on undertaking jobs assigned by their instructors ; 3 ) Authority-oriented scholars are those who are likely non predisposed to actively form information ; they would wish their instructor to explicate everything to them, tend to hold their ain text editions, to compose everything in a notebook, to analyze grammatical regulations, learn by reading, and larn new words by looking at them ; and 4 ) Communicative scholars are those who have a desire for a communicative and societal acquisition attack, likely because they feel that this would be most helpful to their demands in relation to linguistic communication acquisition. In other words, they like to larn by watching, listening to native talkers, speaking to friends in English and watching telecasting in E nglish, utilizing English out of category, larning new words by hearing them, and acquisition by conversations ( Willing, 1988 ; Nunan, 1999, p. 57 ) . The Survey Participants A group of 92 ( 37 males and 55 females ) Persian EFL fresher university pupils majoring in Teaching English as a Foreign Language ( TEFL ) class at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in a university in South of Esfahan were indiscriminately selected from nine categories to take portion in this survey. As freshers, their mean age was 18 old ages old. They learn English linguistic communication for academic intents. Freshman university pupils were selected as participants of this survey because they were at the get downing degree of third instruction. Knowledge of their acquisition manner ( s ) would be utile in placing and geting larning accomplishments which would heighten their acquisition. Therefore, increase their public presentation in larning English. Instrument The instrument utilized in this survey was the Learning Style Preferences Questionnaire adapted from Willing ( 1988 ) . The four-point Likert graduated table questionnaire consisted of 45 points on â€Å" How make you larn best †; ranged from 1: Strongly Disagree to 4: Strongly Agree. It was piloted prior to the existent informations aggregation and the dependability Cronbach ‘s Alpha was 0.844. The questionnaire consisted of four classs ( Communicative, Concrete, Authority-Oriented, and Analytical scholars ) . A list of 20 four points out of 40 five points related to these four types were chosen and modified based on the Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ acquisition. Items one to six represented scholars who liked to larn through observation and or listening to native talkers, speaking to friends in English and watching telecasting in English, and learn through conversations ( Communicative Learners ) . Items seven to twelve represented scholars who liked t o larn through games, movies, cassettes, speaking in braces, and utilizing English outside of the schoolroom ( Concrete Learners ) . Items 13 to eighteen represented scholars who preferred their instructors to explicate everything to them, have their ain text editions, survey grammar, learn by reading, and larn new words by seeing the words ( Authority-Oriented Learners ) . Items 19 to twenty four represented scholars who liked analyzing the regulations of grammar, analyzing English books, reading newspapers, analyzing by themselves, happening their ain errors, and working on jobs set by the instructor ( Analytic Learners ) . Findingss and Discussions Descriptive analysis of the Learning Style Preferences ( 37 Males, 55 Females ) In order to detect the types of larning manner penchants of the pupils, the descriptive statistics ( agencies and standard divergences ) of the four types of larning manner penchants ( communicative, concrete, authority-oriented, and analytical ) were computed ( see Table 1 ) . The one which indicated the highest average value was considered to be the pupils ‘ preferred acquisition manner. Table 1 shows the mean and standard divergences of the four distinguishable classs. Responses to the statements of type one ( communicative ) had the highest average value of 3.24 and a standard divergence of 0.35, while the responses to analytical type of larning manners had the lowest average mark of 3.02 and a standard divergence of 0.38 for both males and females. It is implied that the bulk of Persian EFL fresher university pupils in this sample considered themselves communicative types of acquisition manners. This is consistent with the consequences of Ho ‘s ( Undated ) survey on two groups of university twelvemonth one and four groups of twelvemonth two Computer Studies pupils across five academic old ages. The survey indicated that most pupils were communicative scholars ; contradictory to the consequences of Liu ‘s ( 2008 ) survey on pupils in Taipei. Liu reported that responses to the statements of authority-oriented type of larning manners were the highest with the average mark of 11.52 and a standard divergence of 3.13 and communicative type of larning manners had the lowest mean mark ( M=8.87 and a standard divergence of 3.55 ) . Table 1 Mean and Standard Deviation of Learning Styles ( by Category ) Learning Manners Mean South dakota Nitrogen Communicative 3.24 0.358 92 Concrete 3.07 0.381 92 Authority-Oriented 3.10 0.353 92 Analytic 3.02 0.381 92 N= Number of respondents ; SD= Std. Deviation In add-on to the mean scores for the four types of larning manners in general, Table 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the mean and standard divergences of the pupils ‘ usage of larning manners by class and points: communicative, concrete, authority-oriented, and analytical acquisition manners. Table 2 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Communicative Learning Style Items Learning Manners Mean South dakota 1 Communicative Learning Style I like to larn by watching, listening to native talkers of English. 3.24 3.32 0.35 0.755 2 I like to larn by speaking to friends in English. 3.24 0.732 3 If I have pick, I would wish to larn English by watching Television in English outside of the schoolroom. 3.17 0.735 4 I like to larn by talking in English with aliens when there is a opportunity. 3.27 0.757 5 I like to larn English words by hearing the words. 3.25 0.673 6 In English category, I like to larn through the usage of conversations. 3.22 0.739 Table 2 demonstrates that the overall average value of communicative acquisition manner was 3.24 with a standard divergence of 0.35. The highest average value of 3.32 with a standard divergence 0.75 was noted for the point â€Å" I like to larn by watching, listening to native talkers of English. †Meanwhile, the point â€Å" If I have pick, I would wish to larn English by watching Television in English outside of the schoolroom. †scored the lowest mean mean with the value of 3.17 and a standard divergence of 0.73. It is inferred that the Persian EFL fresher university pupils have strong desire to larn by watching and listening to native talkers of English in schoolrooms. In other words, they tend to watch pictures and listen to tapes in schoolrooms. They like to pass on with one another. This is in understanding with the consequences of Riazi and Riasati ‘s ( 2007 ) survey. Table 3 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Concrete Learning Style Items Learning Manners Mean South dakota 7 Concrete Learning Style In English category, I like to larn through game. 3.07 3.27 0.37 0.757 8 In English category, I like to larn by utilizing images, movies, and pictures. 3.29 0.749 9 I like to analyze English by speaking with another schoolmate 3.23 0.743 10 I like to larn by utilizing cassettes at place. 2.65 0.733 11 In English category, I like to listen to and utilize cassettes. 2.80 0.829 12 Outside of the schoolroom, I like to utilize English. 3.17 0.735 With respect to concrete acquisition manners, Table 3 demonstrates the overall average value of 3.07 and a standard divergence of 0.37. The consequences related to concrete larning manner dimension indicate that the point â€Å" In English category, I like to larn by utilizing images, movies, and pictures. †scored the highest mean mean with the average value of 3.29 and a standard divergence of 0.74 ; while the lowest average value of 2.65 with standard divergence of 0.73 was noted for the point â€Å" I like to larn by utilizing cassettes at place †. It is concluded that these scholars like to larn by illustrations in schoolrooms. The common feature of concrete scholars harmonizing to willing ( 1988 ) is the development of insufficiency or an lower status composite. They disfavour larning monotonously and written work. They like assortment. They prefer verbal and ocular experiences. They have strong desire to be entertained by utilizing games, and be given to be invo lved in larning physically. Table 4 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Authority-Oriented Learning Style Items Learning Manners Mean South dakota 13 Authority-Oriented Learning Style I like the instructor to explicate everything to me. 3.10 3.32 0.35 0.755 14 I want to compose everything in my notebook. 2.91 0.751 15 I like to hold my ain text edition. 3.27 0.757 16 In English category, I like to larn by reading. 3.17 0.720 17 I like to analyze grammar from specific to general. 3.23 0.728 18 I like to larn English words by seeing them. 2.70 0.795 Sing the 3rd type of larning manners ( authority-oriented ) , Table 4 indicates that the overall mean value was 3.10 and a standard divergence of 0.35. Therefore, the point â€Å" I like the instructor to explicate everything to me †scored the highest average value of 3.32 and a standard divergence of 0.75. While the lowest average value of 2.70 and a standard divergence of 0.79 were noted for the point â€Å" I like to larn English words by seeing them †. It is inferred that authority-oriented scholars tend to be taught clearly. They have desire to larn from their instructors. They look for constructions and measure by measure patterned advance. In general, they consider their instructors as authorization in the category. Harmonizing to Willing ( 1988 ) they like to follow some forms. Table 5 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Students ‘ Analytical Learning Style Items Learning Manners Mean South dakota 19 Analytic Learning Style I like to analyze grammar from general to specific. 3.02 2.68 0.38 0.838 20 At place, I like to larn by analyzing English books. 3.24 0.732 21 I like to analyze English by myself. 3.32 0.755 22 I like the instructor to allow me happen my errors. 3.25 0.750 23 I like the instructor to give me exercises to work on. 3.15 0.725 24 At place, I like to larn by reading English newspaper. 2.49 0.791 Finally, for analytical acquisition manners Table 5 reveals that the overall mean value was 3.02 with a standard divergence of 0.38. Based on the consequences, the point â€Å" I like to analyze English by myself †scored as highest average value of 3.32 and a standard divergence of 0.75 whereas the lowest average value of 2.49 with a standard divergence of 0.79 was noted for the point â€Å" At place, I like to larn by reading English newspaper †. This means that analytical types of scholars are independent and tend to happen solutions for their jobs while larning. Analytic scholars ‘ cognitive strengths steer them non merely to analyse carefully and uncover great involvement in constructions, but besides to set a big sum of value on demoing their independency by making these things themselves, autonomously ( Willing, 1988 ) . In general, it can be inferred from the findings aforementioned types of acquisition manners that the mass media such as telecasting, pic ture, tape recording equipments are the most powerful devices for larning foreign linguistic communications in Iran since English is learned and spoken merely in academic categories and for academic intents. Harmonizing to Celec-Murcia ( 2001 ) , such media motivate scholars by conveying the existent life state of affairs into the schoolroom and showing linguistic communication in its more complete communicative context. Descriptive Analysis of the Learning Style Preferences by Gender In order to detect whether there was a difference between males and females in using learning manner penchants, the Independent-sample T-test was conducted. Table 6 demonstrates that there was no statistically important difference in the mean tonss for male and female pupils in communicative ( M= 3.27, SD= 0.35 ; M=3.22, SD=0.36, T ( 90 ) =0.66, p= 0.51 ) ; concrete ( M=3.10, SD=0.36 ; M=3.05, SD=0.39, T ( 90 ) =0.67, p=0.49 ) , authority-oriented ( M=3.09, SD=0.37 ; M=3.11, SD=0.34, T ( 90 ) = -0.21, p=0.83 ) , and analytical acquisition manners ( M=3.09, SD=0.38, M=2.98, SD=0.37, T ( 90 ) =1.32, p=0.18 ) . In other words, males and females apply larning manners in a similar manner. This is in understanding with the consequences of Yik, Hidayu, Bariyyah and Asyimah ‘s ( Undated ) survey ( hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed 26 March 2010 ) . Table 6 T-test for gender differences in larning manner Preferences Liter Gram Nitrogen Mean South dakota T P Com Meter F 37 55 3.27 3.22 0.35 0.36 0.66 0.51 Con Meter F 37 55 3.10 3.05 0.36 0.39 0.67 0.49 A-O Meter F 37 55 3.09 3.11 0.37 0.34 -0.21 0.83 Anal Meter F 37 55 3.09 2.98 0.38 0.37 1.32 0.18 Note: N=Number of Subjects ; LS=Learning Styles ; G=Gender ; M=Male ; F=Female ; Com=Communicative ; Con=Concrete ; A-O=Authority-Oriented ; Anal=Analytical In other words, all of the values of significance values were above the value of significance value of P lt ; 0.05. Harmonizing to Cohen ( 1988 ) , the magnitudes of the differences in the agencies were somewhat little. Cohen believes that 0.01 indicates little consequence, 0.06 shows moderate consequence, and 0.14 shows big consequence. Therefore the Basque Homeland and Freedom square for these four types of acquisition manners are as follows: communicative ( eta square= 0.004 ) , concrete ( eta square= 0.005 ) , authority-oriented ( eta squared=0.000 ) , and analytical acquisition manner ( eta square= 0.018 ) which are really little. Deductions Sing the consequences of this survey, some deductions are discussed with the position of text book designs, larning and learning English as a foreign linguistic communication in Iran. As it has been identified that many of the fresher university pupils are communicative type of scholars, there should be a moderately safe index for the general way to see in planing text books for Persian EFL fresher university scholars. Many research surveies such as Smith ( 1985 ) , Claxon and Murrell ( 1987 ) , Willing ( 1988 ) , and Riazi and Riasati ( 2007 ) claim that larning methods that match with learning manner penchants lead to academic accomplishments, more communicative undertakings need to be included in the class as most scholars in this sample prefer to larn in a communicative manner. Willing ( 1988 ) suggested the acquisition methods preferred by communicative scholars as: 1 ) Learning by watching and listening to native talkers of the mark linguistic communication. 2 ) Learning by tal king in English with aliens when there is a opportunity. 3 ) Learning by speaking to friends in English. 4 ) Learning by conversations. 5 ) Learning by watching Television in English. 6 ) Learning English by hearing the words. Therefore, the text edition interior decorators may necessitate to take into history the aforesaid methods recommended by Willing ( 1988 ) while planing communicative text books for categories. They can besides see group treatments and teacher-students meetings as pupils prefer to speak with equals and instructors ( Riazi and Riasati, 2007 ) . In the visible radiation of acquisition, effectual tools to assist pupils listen to native talkers of the mark linguistic communication is to utilize movies and picture plans in categories. In this instance, pupils get familiar with the other contexts, state of affairss, and civilizations. Auxiliary stuffs such as short narratives should be utilized in categories ( Riazi and Mansoorian, 2008 ) . By and large, pupils need to be involved in synergistic accomplishments. In order to lend pupils to be cognizant of their ain acquisition manners and strengths, stock lists of larning manner and other procedures can be utilized ( Claxton and Murrell, 1987, p six ) . In add-on, lectors should assist scholars understand more about their ain penchants for larning. There are some promising schemes employed by lectors to lend their scholars to understand more about their penchants for larning and suggest ways to cover with more efficaciously in classs taught in ways inconsistent with their manners . This can besides assist scholars take increasing charge of their ain acquisition and to be more active in the procedure ( Claxton and Murrell 1987, p. four ) . In footings of instruction, by roll uping some information on scholars ‘ acquisition manners can assist lectors place scholars who learn comfortably via the types of undertakings designed for the class. For case, this survey recommends that lectors should make their best to carry first-year university scholars to work in groups and learn them how to pass on ( converse ) with one another in English. Lecturers should present types of larning manners to pupils in order to acquire familiar with their manner of larning a foreign linguistic communication in general and larning English in peculiar. In general, pupils should be encouraged to happen out their ain types of larning manner penchants in order to ease their acquisition. Decisions The intent of the current survey was to place Persian EFL fresher university pupils ‘ types of larning manner penchants and their deductions on the instruction and larning procedure every bit good as the designs of the text books. This survey besides aimed to detect whether or non there was a important difference between male and female fresher university pupils using larning manner penchants. The dominant learning manner penchants of Persian EFL fresher university pupils revealed that the bulk of the Persian EFL fresher university pupils considered themselves as communicative scholars. They tend to larn English as a foreign linguistic communication by listening to native talkers of English likely because they feel that this would be most utile for their demands in relation to English linguistic communication acquisition. This can assist them in bettering their pronunciation and speech pattern. The receptive accomplishments such as speech production and hearing are appealing to the scholars of this sample. They have desire to utilize conversations in the schoolrooms and communicate in English. It is besides concluded that Persian male and female pupils have no different preferred acquisition manners as the findings of this survey demonstrated that there was no statistically important difference between them with respect to their learning manner penchants while larning English as a foreign linguistic communication. More significantly, this research survey suggests placing the scholars ‘ types of larning manners to lend their lectors to set in the proportion of undertaking types in text books to do acquisition easier for pupils. How to cite Learning Style Preferences by Iranian students, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Does Haig deserve the title The Butcher of the Somme Essay Example
Does Haig deserve the title The Butcher of the Somme Paper In this essay, I will try to figure out what historians all over the world have been talking about for years: Does Sir Douglas William Haig deserve the title The Butcher of the Somme? I will start by correctly defining the term, butcher, before analysing the case for and against this statement. I will finally conclude my essay by weighing up the two cases and comparing the definitions of butcher to his actions. To say that Haig was the hero of the victory at the Somme, although the opinion of the people of the time, must now be looked back on with great scepticism. You cannot deny that Haig made the correct tactical decision to make an offensive at the Somme, in order to take the pressure of Verdun, and it is true to say that he achieved his target objective in doing so. However, it is inexcusable, whatever the gain, to throw away life so carelessly as Haig did. It is also to be noted, that Haigs attitude after the Somme, was that it was a worthy sacrifice, and an honourable way for a man to die. In other words, he didnt care about the loses, as long as he got the praise at the end of it all. We will write a custom essay sample on Does Haig deserve the title The Butcher of the Somme specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Does Haig deserve the title The Butcher of the Somme specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Does Haig deserve the title The Butcher of the Somme specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is obvious that to tell the men to walk across no-mans land must be looked at as the ultimate cause for the slaughter of the Somme. It was Haig who gave the order to walk and formulated the strategy for the offensive. His plan was flawed. Firstly he didnt consider all possibilities, the only outcome that he had planned and accommodated for was that everything went according to plan. This was clearly not the case as he didnt consider that the Explosions under the German line were all going to be synchronized, or that the Germans might survive in their dugouts. Also, and even more disastrous, he didnt have a plan B. What this means is, suggesting that not everything goes well, and say the Germans did survive in their dugouts, he didnt have any alternative plan to revert to, he just kept on with the same disastrous strategy, and judging by the fact that he continued with the same plan for 2 months, it seems unlikely that he had a plan B for any outcome, which means that he was relyin g on everything going according to plan a very bad tactical decision. Haig could have easily changed his plans when he realized they werent having any affect and he was throwing lives away, for example (and this is my plan): Began the bombardment again and this time ran across, the barbed wire was a problem but the Irish got through the first time when they ran, so it was definitely possible. And also, the whole objective of the Somme was to take the pressure off Verdun, so once the Germans had dragged half their army up to deal with the Somme, the British had no need to attack them, they could just sit and wait, the Germans werent going anywhere because they knew that they would be vulnerable and could be attacked at any time with all the British soldiers just waiting, the last thing the Germans were going to do was just leave and go back to Verdun, and if they did, (which would be crazy) then the offensive could begin, and attack the weakened lines. However, these plans were obviously made when looking back on the battle, Haig wouldnt have had the lu xury of hindsight. Although, he is to blame for not changing his tactics when the 1st day had been such a failure. When something you try clearly doesnt work, why keep doing it at the cost of lives? After all, the only reason that Haig gave the order to walk was because he was under the false impression that all the Germans had been killed in the bombardment and the men would be walking straight through the trenches to Berlin. It is for this reason that the men were carrying 30 pounds of pack on their shoulders, and were told that they were walking towards empty trenches. However, when this clearly wasnt the case, and it was obvious that they were not walking towards empty trenches, why carry on walking if the only reason for doing so is now void? Haigs mentality is also to be questioned, as his attitude towards human life is simply shocking. His attacking initiative ideas where men are simply thrown over the top on little raiding parties of 10 or 15 people, were madness. Every group died and was just another target for the Germans to shoot down. They had absolutely no hope of succeeding and he knew it. He was just throwing away lives when he knew all who went over the top would die. This may or may not have created an attacking spirit, but what good is an attacking spirit when the men are sent over the top to die? I cant see how the deaths of their friends could possibly create an attacking spirit, the only thing it would create was the impression that there General was a complete maniac. There is no use in raising the morale of troops who are going to die anyway, and surely victories would create a better morale boost for the men than constant casualties. Imagine this: You are a middle aged lady in England and you are proud to say to all your friends that your husband has gone to fight for his country. You are then informed that he has been killed in action. After the war, you find out that he was killed in a raiding party, all to raise the morale slightly of men on the front line. You think to yourselfoh, wont they be happy! Im sure his life was a worthy sacrifice and the other men had high spirits for the next week, to know that another 15 people had been sent over the top and died. Haig said, the day before the offensive: The men are in splendid spirits. Several have said that they have never before seen so instructed and informed of the nature of the operation before them. The barbed wire has never been so well cut, nor the artillery preparation so thorough. All the commanders are full of confidence. This statement in itself tells the story. Haig was either miss-informed or delusional, and despite the fact that the wire was clearly not cut, he sent the men out anyway.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Task 3 A Essay Example
Task 3 A Essay Example Task 3 A Essay Task 3 A Essay Task 3 A Name: Course: Date: Task 3A Relationship between Drug Abuse and Academic Performance in the United States of America Quantitative Research Plan Drug abuse can be defined as the destructive constant use of one or more substances leading to problems such as changes in disposition that cause spontaneous behavior. This intake of drugs may be for medical purposes or mental stimulation. Prescriptive drugs are abused only when used for other purposes other than what they were intended or in disparity with the required dosage. Some of the most commonly abused drugs include cocaine, marijuana, tobacco and alcohol. There has been a significant rise in the number of students involved in drug abuse. This figure is set to rise in future if measures are not taken to curb this emerging trend in schools. Many students are either unaware of the consequences of drug abuse or have depreciated to the level of addiction. It is not clear why these students are abusing drugs at such an alarming rate yet the results are detrimental not just to their health but to their performance at school. These youngsters are initiated into drug use at an early age mostly in their teens. It could be attributed to having friends or acquaintances that use drugs, coming from dysfunctional families, or just the desire to experiment. These drugs serve the purpose of entertainment through mental stimulation, enhancement of stamina, done by students engaging in sports or a way of fitting into a certain clique. Hypothesis There is a relationship between drug abuse and academic performance in the United States of America. Null Hypothesis: There is no relationship between drug abuse and academic performance in the United States of America. Literature Review This is a common trend in among American students. The effects of abusing drugs vary with the kind of drug being used. However, some are common to all of them such as alterations in brain functioning, emotional problems such as depression, and behavioral problems. The tendency to engage in risky sexual behavior has affected girls in that they get unwanted pregnancies and they eventually have to drop out of school. Their chance of contracting sexually transmitted illnesses also increases. The worst of it is gradually getting addicted. Bearing this in mind, this research sets out to investigate the extent to which students abuse drugs and how it affects their academic performance. This way, a solution to the problem could be arrived at. Findings The study conducted revealed the reasons for drug abuse among students. It showed that they engage in it due to problems at home, stress caused by difficulty understanding the school curriculum, boredom and pressure from friends. This affects their schoolwork negatively through various ways. For instance, they confessed to skipping classes, not doing their assignments, engaging in bad behavior that got them suspended from school. This has a direct effect on their performance. They lose attention and can therefore not focus on their schoolwork and eventually achieve poor grades. Conclusion From the findings, we can tell that indeed there is a relationship between drug abuse and academic performance. All the above facts point to the reality that students who abuse drugs perform poorly than those who do not. This is because of the effects of the drugs on their ability to function properly. When their minds are stimulated by the drugs, their brain functionality decreases and they can no longer pay relevant attention to their academics. The students who drop out of school because of abusing drugs miss out entirely on education. Therefore, it is important that a solution for this problem be found quickly to prevent further damage.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Act Two, Scene One Summary for A Raisin in the Sun
Act Two, Scene One Summary for 'A Raisin in the Sun' This plot summary and study guide for Lorraine Hansberrys play, A Raisin in the Sun, provides an overview of Act Two. Searching for Cultural Identity Act Two, Scene One takes place during the same day as Act One, Scene Two the Younger Familys cramped apartment. The tension of earlier events seems to have subsided. Ruth is ironing clothes while listening to the radio. Beneatha enters, wearing a traditional Nigerian robe, a recent gift from her love-interest, Joseph Asagai. She turns off the radio calling its music assimilationist junk and plays Nigerian music on a phonograph. Walter Lee enters. He is intoxicated; he often responds to pressure by getting drunk. And now that his wife is pregnant and he has been denied the money to invest in a liquor store, Walter Lee has gotten plastered! Yet the tribal music invigorates him, and he jumps into an improvised warrior mode, as he shouts things like OCOMOGOSIAY! THE LION IS WAKING! Beneatha, by the way, is really getting into this. Through most of Act One, she has been annoyed by her brother, the stage directions say that she is thoroughly caught up with this side of him. Even though Walter is drunk and a bit out of control, Beneatha is happy to see her brother embrace his ancestral heritage. Amid this frivolity, George Murchison enters. He is Beneathas date for the evening. He is also a wealthy black man who (at least to Walter Lee) represents a new age, a society in which African Americans can achieve power and financial success. At the same time, Walter is resentful of George, perhaps because it is Georges father and not George himself that has acquired wealth. (Or perhaps because most big brothers are distrustful of their little sisters boyfriends.) Im a Volcano Walter Lee suggests that he meets with George father to discuss some business ideas, but it soon becomes clear that George has no interest in helping Walter. As Walter becomes angry and frustrated, insulting college boys such as George. George calls him on it: Youre all wacked up with bitterness, man. Walter Lee responds: WALTER: (Intently, almost quietly, between the teeth, glaring at the boy.) And you - aint you bitter, man? Aint you just about had it yet? Dont you see no stars gleaming that you cant reach out and grab? You happy? You contented son-of-a-bitch you happy? You got it made? Bitter? Man, Im a volcano. Bitter? Here I am surrounded by ants! Ants who cant even understand what it is the giant is talking about. His speech upsets and embarrasses his wife. George is mildly amused by it. When he leaves, he tells Walter, Goodnight, Prometheus. (Poking fun at Walter by comparing him the Titan from Greek Mythology who created humans and gave mankind the gift of fire.) Walter Lee does not understand the reference, however. Mama Buys a House After George and Beneatha leave on their date, Walter and his wife begin to argue. During their exchange Walter makes a disparaging comment about his own race: WALTER: Why? You want to know why? Cause we all tied up in a race of people that dont know how to do nothing but moan, pray and have babies!As if he realizes how venomous his words are, he begins to calm down. His mood softens even more, when Ruth, despite being verbally abused, offers him a glass of hot milk. Soon, they begin saying words of kindness to each other. Just as they about to reconcile further, Walters mother enters.Mama announces to her grandson, Travis Younger, as well as Walter and Ruth, that she has purchased a three-bedroom house. The house is located in a predominately white neighborhood in Clybourne Park (in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago).Ruth is ecstatic to have a new home, although she does feel some trepidation about moving into a white neighborhood. Mama hopes that Walter will share in the familys joy, but instead he says:WALTER: So you butchered up a dream of mine you who always talking bout your childrens dreams. And with that incredibly bitter, self-pitying line, the curtain falls on Act Two, Scene One of a Raisin in the Sun
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Manegment theory and practice case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Manegment theory and practice case study - Essay Example In 1999 Nissan was the third largest car manufacturing company in Japan and around the world. However in comparison to 1996, when Nissan had last made a profit its production was down, its market share was slipping, it losses mounting and utilization of production capacity was poor. There was an urgent need to find a suitable alliance partner, willing to invest in the company, if Nissan were to survive (p. 3). Renault on the other hand in 1999 had become lean through restructuring and downsizing was in a position to make strategic investments to further its future business activities. Renault mainly operated in Western Europe, from where it derived 85% of its revenue. Renault had limited activities in the important geographical regions of Asia, North America, and Eastern Europe. (p. 4). Investing in Nissan was attractive to Renault, as it provided Renault access to the important markets of Asia and North America due to Nissan’s active presence in these markets. However, there were major issues in the form of the organizational culture variances, diversity in the workforces of the two companies and management practices that would pose major problems in the smooth merger of these two car manufacturers and the changes that would have to be brought about in the corporate culture and management practices at Nissan (p. 5-6). After long drawn negotiations the alliance between Renault and Nissan came into being in 1999, with Renault acquiring 36.8% stake in Nissan. Carlos Ghosn from Renault was appointed as Chief Executive of Nissan and given the responsibility of leading through the restructuring and developing of Nissan focusing on the objectives of the Nissan Revival Plan (NRP) actual profitability by 2000, an operating profit greater than 4.5%, and reducing debt by 50% at the end of the fiscal year 2002 (p.7). The rest of the story is the manner in which Carlos Ghosn through inspired leadership achieved the seemingly impossible
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Education - Essay Example As the report declares educational status in the United States is much ahead of the developing countries. Though funds for education are quite high, proper utilization of these funds is very essential. The educational systems in United States must focus on for certain issues such as character development, moral formation, discipline, safety, protection from drugs and early sex in the schools etc. These issues are as important as the subject knowledge. Therefore it is essential that the instructors and the parents together need to look into these aspects more seriously. This paper stresses that the aim of teaching is to make student learning possible. The role of a facilitator, or instructor, in Education is to understand the need and interest of the students and provide them the ideal conditions for learning. The task of the instructor in education is the creation of a learning environment in which students are encouraged to think carefully and critically and express their thoughts, and in which they wish to confront and resolve difficulties, it involves constantly monitoring and reflecting on the processes of teaching and student understanding and seeking to improve them. The first and foremost reason people want to become a facilitator or instructor is that it is a one of the most creative profession that provide a unique, definite, and essential social service. Teachers play a most important role in formulating the future of our civilization by providing the best education. This profession gives a sense of satisfaction.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Effects of Regionalisation
Effects of Regionalisation 1. Introduction Acknowledging the fact that future growth will depend on overcoming resource scarcity and a small domestic market, the Singapore government has been strongly encouraging local firms to regionalise their operations and invest abroad. This report discusses some of the social and economic downsides brought about by the regionalisation strategy. 2. Regionalisation Intent Of The Government Singapores scarceness in resources i.e. land labour as well as its undersized domestic market are the major drives for regionalisation. The rationales to propel Singapores economy beyond her shores are as follow. Boundless Boundaries Markets and workplaces are no longer limited by boundaries and distance. Capital is free to move to where it can generate the best returns. While our neighbouring countries gear up and build up, our competitiveness is eroded due to our high operational cost and unattractive domestic market. Many jobs are lost for good as business activities shift to these countries where operational costs are much lower e.g. for labour intensive industries. Also, the small consumer market here hinders the potential of local retailing industries unfavourably. On the other hand, the region offers far better returns for all. Economic Growth The United States and Europe have all along been our traditional markets. In view of this dependency, the slowdown of economic growth rates in these matured economies invariably puts a brake on Singapores economy. Consequently, we have to look towards the up and coming Asia-Pacific region where growth rates are in double digits, no doubt due to its low base. But it offers vast opportunities for Singapores produce to be a part of them and to grow with them. Mutual Benefits Regionalisation looks beyond the borders to tap and leverage on one anothers strengths. This constitutes a win-win situation. Wider exposure cultural diversity of people Expanded networks and contacts with international businesses, clients talents Larger job market where career is not confined to local employment opportunities Healthier relations with affiliated countries through mutual beneficial trade 3. The Family Pays For Regionalisation It is believed that while regionalisation brings us good, it will and is going to upset the family ties of Singaporeans in one way or another. The Children One major hurdle that deters Singaporeans who are married with children from taking up jobs overseas is their concern about their childrens education. Parents expressed concerns over the childs resistance and adaptability to foreign curriculum system, possibility of racial discrimination in foreign schools, denial of foreign education credentials in future and loss of emotional ties with Singapore. Nonetheless, measures are taken to resolve these concerns: Singapore International Schools: Simulating home-style schooling environment abroad with parallel curriculum including Mother Tongue Leave of Absence Scheme: Entitling previous students to rejoin their former schools upon returning home Flexibility in Admission Criteria: Recognising foreign examination scores and conducting in-house examinations and interviews for admittance decisions CAMP SINGAPORE: Assembling overseas Singaporeans children back home to live through Singapores all-embracing way of life in a good fun educating manner Abolishment of Monetary Bond Requirement: Encouraging males (> 11 years old) to follow their parents abroad to foster family cohesion promote regionalisation The Wife The regionalisation policy seems to have become one that helps men more than it does women. Findings of a study have shown that the careers of many women ended on the backburner because of the countrys regionalisation drive. Women get locked into the stereotypes of being only mothers and housewives. 100 out of 150 Man brings his wife children with him overseas 146 out of 150 Wife gives up a good career becomes a housewife 149 out of 150 Unable to secure a professional job she once held 001 out of 150 Only one man accompanies his wife overseas The Marriage Findings of the study have revealed that 148 out of 150 spouses felt neglected when the other heads overseas to work. More than 75% of them fear the problem of extramarital affair. Furthermore, research has shown that a disillusioned family returns in spite of all preparatory measures taken by the family e.g. pledging to call/visit one another often, to stay faithful etc. E.g. A top manager resigned, choosing his marriage over his career and another who did the exact opposite and as a result suffered a broken marriage. 4. The Country Pays For Regionalisation To begin with, let us understand that regionalisation implies the occurrence of a two-way flow of expertise between a sending country and a receiving country. When the inflow is greater than the outflow, we say there is â€Å"Brain Gain†. Conversely, when the outflow is greater than the inflow, we say there is â€Å"Brain Drain†. Some Reasons For The â€Å"Brain Drain†Phenomena Economical reasons e.g. better job development prospects, lower cost of living, higher disposable income Political Legal reasons e.g. less restrictive dominative grounds Social reasons e.g. stress-free work, education personal lifestyle, creative self-interest development space Physical Natural reasons e.g. ample cheap resources (land, labour, raw materials etc.), seasonal climate, picturesque landscapes The Undesirable Repercussion The phenomenon has weakened the countrys choice and pool of talents harshly. Given our diminutive population, we have no surplus of talents. This will in turn upset our competitiveness, economic potential as well as unbalance our mix of population e.g. Singaporeans versus PRs, aging population etc. In a way, we have flattened our own pyramid of talents with our own hands by encouraging the dispersal of Singaporeans. Many of our best now contribute to others economies permanently instead of returning to Singapore. They are only thinking, worrying and creating wealth for foreign lands. This is the facet of regionalisation that we need to reflect on and address (Goh Chok Tong, 1997). â€Å"Go Regional, Stay Local†Approach It is crucial that overseas Singaporeans are tied to Singapore strongly by helping them to stay in touch with us. The setting up of Singapore International Foundation, Singapore International Schools, Singaporeans Overseas Programmes, over 85 Singapore Clubs and the regular monthly SINGAPORE magazine are efforts paid out to preserve the Singaporean identity and the sense of national belonging of overseas Singaporeans (Lee Hsien Loong, 2003). Other efforts include giving overseas Singaporeans voting rights e.g. the recent GE 2006 in Shanghai, home-stand assistance in times of emergency e.g. evacuation from Cambodia Indonesia during those troubled times and welcoming them back by helping spouses to find jobs children to schools in the re-entry stage. 5. Foreign Talents Policy The policy aims to attract two groups of foreigners. It also covers transient low-skilled workers who will have to leave after a period of time. The first group refers to the crà ¨me de la crà ¨me of talent. Sought by countries all over the world, they include neurosurgeons, top-notch scientists, professors, sportsmen etc. Examples include table tennis player: Li Jia Wei from China, CEO of DBS Bank: John Olds from America etc. The other group refers to qualified young people who meet several objectives e.g. lab technicians, nurses, IT personnel, multi-skilled or experienced persons etc. Population Distress Statistics show that more than a quarter of the people in Singapore are foreigners (PRs and non-residents). In 1990, our population numbered 3.05 million. It has since jumped to 4.02 million with the gap mainly attributed to the increase of foreigners. As such, Singaporeans now make up approximately only 74% of the population size compared to 86.1% ten years ago. Importing Foreign Talents The rationale behind this is fairly apparent. Foreign talents are needed to boost the economy, create jobs and strengthen the countrys competitiveness (Goh Chok Tong, 2003). Singapores small population cannot produce enough talent; whats more when the â€Å"Brain Drain†phenomenon is mounting (Lee Kuan Yew, 2003). Foreigners are needed. America has been a top-notch marketplace for ideas owing to its readiness to welcome foreigners into all industries. The Singapore government wishes to emulate this example as well. Reasons for importing foreign talents include: Fill in jobs which Singaporeans lack the expertise in or that we do not want to do Promote healthy competition among foreigners and locals, motivating locals to work harder upgrade their skills to compete on fair grounds Encourage fruitful diversity in creative thinking and value-adding innovation For instance, out of the 32 Chairmen of Statutory Boards, 12 were born outside Singapore and in the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, 51 out of the 87 musicians were foreign born. Many ministers were also born overseas: Goh Keng Swee (Malacca), Rajaratnam (Ceylon), Toh Chin Chye (Taiping), Hon Sui Sen who joined later was from Penang. Without this inflow, Singapore could never have made it, let alone become what it is today. Nonetheless, many Singaporeans have raised questions over the following issues: Managerial positions and those of good pay benefits are taken up by expatriates Fear of â€Å"second-class citizen†treatment Nepotism over fellow foreigners, unfair gap in disposable income (foreign exchange difference) etc. 6. Regionalisation In Mandarin Our government has identified China, in addition to India and ASEAN nations, as the direction to our regionalisation strategy. In 20 years time, China will be the second most powerful nation in the world after the U.S. probably the worlds largest economy. Many non-Chinese will see the advantage of learning the Chinese language to do business in China. Therefore we must find ways to sustain a high level of proficiency in Mandarin in the Singapore. We have to reproduce a core group of Singaporeans who are steeped in and knowledgeable about the Chinese cultural heritage, history, literature, and the arts (Goh Chok Tong, 1991). More students are taking up the Higher Chinese subject More scholarships are offered to people learning and educating Chinese Language and Literature More bilingual local Chinese are able to speak Mandarin More promotional and educational support e.g. â€Å"Say It If You Dare†TV variety show, local pop idol Lin Jun Jie endorsing the Speak Chinese Campaign etc. are carried out actively 7. Conclusion We agree that regionalisation is today no longer a choice but very much a necessity. But as we encourage the dispersal of Singaporeans, there is a possibility that we are disposing them for good as our pyramid of talents gets flattened, family gets disillusioned and foreign talents gets within. If Singaporeans are not deeply rooted to Singapore through strong bonds of family, friends, community and nation, the core of our nation will be shattered. In a nutshell, regionalisation has a world of opportunities yields to offer to all of us as long as we fulfill our individual and collective rightful obligations with utmost virtuousness.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Management and Leadership Team Presentation Essay
Does a manager have to have quality leadership skills to motivate, establish trust, empower and communicate with employees to run a business properly? Different areas of leaderships include organizational leadership, organizational culture, managerial control and leveraging diversity. Planning is the most important basic leadership skill a manager can have. A business that wants to grow must have an effective plan with the correct leadership skills to motivate and lead employees in the right direction. A manager must be effective and consistent when they are leading a group of diverse employees. Although there are many differences in managing and leading, they are not necessarily two separate concepts. â€Å"People look to their managers, not just to assign them a task, but to define for them a purpose. And managers must organize workers, not just to maximize efficiency, but to nurture skills, develop talent and inspire results.†(Murray, 2010, para. 5). A manager’s job is to ensure that tasks are completed in a correct and timely fashion. A leader’s job is to inspire their followers to achieve a common goal that both the leader and his/her followers share. It is important, however, that a manager develop good leadership skills in order to benefit an organization as a whole. Leadership in management will help employees feel confident in the work that they do, and proud to be a part of the organization they are working for. It will establish trust in the manager, and a passion to want to conclude tasks competently. A manager with quality leadership skills will also motivate employees to follow the standards and guidelines set forth by the organization, creating a better organizational culture, and an efficient workforce. The manager along with leadership is the structure. â€Å"Excellent technical skills do not automatically transfer to excellent interpersonal skills.†(Resnick, 2005). Developing leadership skills in managers require a different set of skills than the ones they likely already possess. Often, managers are more competitive than collaborative. An effective leader must demonstrate authority matched with collaboration. When identifying leadership potential, it is best to train multiple individuals in the skills that need development. This creates more flexibility. Substantial gateway for the top of an organization’s structure is to merge with the lower part of managers that apply quality leadership principles to them, have a better effect on how they want the culture of their company to become. Leading by example and effective communication are key tools that are needed to be an effective leader. Once a manager sets the pace for the culture he or she wants, then, they have to get others on board with their plans for the direction they want to go. A manager has the ability to hire the individuals that fit into the company culture. Being a manager does not always mean that they earned their position based on their leadership skills. However, a good manager has the ability to be more of a people person and actually listens to what their employees have to say while implementing the ideas of their employees, creating a culture for their organization. A culture change does not happen overnight and can be a lengthy process if not handled correctly. Culture change does come from within and requires the constant effort of everyone involved while having the same goals. The goals need to be clearly defined and acceptable by all who are involved with the manager leading from the front to be able to guide the change in the right direction. Creating cultural change and taking the time to groom their subordinates to become better leaders in the process is a great practice to start from the beginning. A good manager knows how to utilize control mechanisms that are necessary for a business to run properly. This allows for the goals of the business to be met and determine if the employees are on the right path to reach the goals the company has set for them. The three main managerial controls are bureaucratic, clan and market. Bureaucratic control is a type of authoritative control by creating regulations, standards, and a basic behavior for employees to follow. Companies can utilize Bureaucratic control in a way which could help save the company time when planning strategies to reach their goals. Managers would plan the goals and how to reach them and then relay the strategy to their employees allowing for fewer people to be involved and lessen the time making the plans. Clan control is the opposite of the Bureaucratic control because it does not have a set of rules or guidelines for employees to follow. Rather than tell employees how to do their job, the company trusts the employees will do what they are supposed to do and will do it well. By utilizing clan control, employers may be able to gain additional goals or ideas on how to reach the goals that have been set because they have the input of their employees as well during the planning process. Market control is more along the lines of Bureaucratic control because there are regulations or standards placed upon the work the employees do. Analyzing the economic information received for the company does this. By using market control, managers would analyze data received to create strategies on goals the company has set. A diversified workforce is one of the most successful strategies in gaining and retaining a competitive advantage. Since the labor force has become diverse, recruitment of the differencing population also assists in attracting a wider consumer base, which in turn the company becomes more successful. Organizations must understand that diversity begins with valuing differences and believing that a difference does not mean better or worse -just different (Johnston, 2013). And differences can range from seen differences like race, color, gender, age, and physical ability to the unseen difference such as education, social status, religious beliefs, and work experience. Recruitment of a diverse labor force definitely takes a ‘welcoming’ approach. Establishing a universal work environment from consequences for behavior, to photos in a hallway that depict the organizations acceptance and inclusion of diversity; shows employees that even though they come from different backgrounds they’re part of a single team that is committed to goals of the company. Managers who are affective in managing diversity will have a work force that is more creative, innovative, and better able to solve problems. This is due to the fact that, since people come from different backgrounds they also hold different perspectives on issues. When organizations realize that differences should not just be merely tolerated but valued; then employees become more loyal, productive, and committed. More and more organizations are leveraging diversity; a study by the Work Diversity Network, a national network of professionals and major companies working for diversity in the workplace, stated that women and ethnic minorities represented 70% of new entrants in 2004. In addition, 43% of the workforce was non-Caucasian in 2008 (Clark, 2013). A diversified organization relates to everyone, applies to most situations, and impacts the continued and future success of a business. In conclusion, businesses take action on the management team, so that their business’ can run smoothly. The four types of leaderships include organizational leadership, organizational culture, managerial control and leveraging diversity. Managers must be able to coordinate workers, and encourage workers to mature into the absolute best employees and present an outcome of a successful team. The businesses take control to put strategies into place; therefore business will have a flowing, well-trained management team. This will help command, control, and manage the behavior of team members and the management team. References Barnat, R. (2005). Strategic-Control. Retrieved from Clark, D. (2013). Retrieved from Encyclopeda of Business. (2013). management Control. Retrieved from Johnston, K. (2013). Leading a Divers Workforce. The Chron , (), . Retrieved from Kotter, John. (2012). The key to changing organizational culture. Retrieved from Murray, A. (August 10, 2010). What is the difference between management and leadership? Retrieved from Resnick, H. (February 28, 2005). Cultivate leaders from your existing talent crop. The Jacksonvil le Business Journal. Retrieved from: What is the difference between management and leadership? (n.d.) The Wallstreet Journal Online. Accessed on Aug. 22, 2013. Retreived from:
Thursday, January 9, 2020
2.3.Fusion Of Traditional And Innovative Technologies.
2.3. Fusion of traditional and innovative technologies In order for innovation to take place, there is a need to examine how traditional approaches can be synthesized with new technologies, in order to attain the most efficient way possible of performing tasks. The overlapping can be minimal, in that only a small percentage of the new technologies are taken on board, to aid or make employing the traditional process more efficient; or it can be total, in that the whole approach to the process or system is overhauled to make way for the new technologies. The Merriam-Webster Online dictionary (2007) defined innovation as the introduction of something new or a new idea, method or device. [45] Innovation in construction, therefore, happens†¦show more content†¦Investigating areas where technology fusion is most likely to happen in construction can assist in identifying the areas where mechanization and automation in all probability will be most relevant. These technology areas may include phases of construction, such as adopting a gr eater percentage of innovative technologies during the design phase, as compared to the construction phase; or it can be in terms of the construction process itself. Some construction processes such as the installation of building components are easier to automate as opposed to, say, substructure or building foundation works. In this case, the drive to innovate is facilitated by the relatively straightforward technological process that is already in place within this area. [8] 2.4. Importance of using mechanization in construction works The importance of the use of mechanization and automation in construction works appears to be increasing on a daily basis. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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