Saturday, November 30, 2019
Top Tips to Write Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion
An outstanding essay must have three main parts: Introduction Body paragraphs and Conclusion Introduction is used to grab the reader’s attention; the body consists of three or four paragraphs supporting the hypothesis and main argument of the essay, while the conclusion is the last and final chance to leave an impression on a reader. It is necessary that the conclusion of your essay must be written in a way that it forces the reader to give you full marks; in short it must be the best part of any essay. Writing a conclusion is one of the most difficult parts of writing an essay in which usually many writers feel that they are completely out of the words. A good conclusion must: Leave an impression on your professor. Give a sense of wholeness to the essay Stress the significance of the hypothesis Here in this article we share top tips on how to write a conclusion of a compare contrast essay. Have a look: What is compare contrast essay: A compare contrast essay in simple words is also called a comparison essay in which the writer compare two objects or ideas and present their similarities and differences. The main focus of the writer here is on the scope and length of an essay. The conclusion here is also the main part of an essay that must not only paraphrase the thesis statement, but also share the opinion of the author. Paraphrasing the hypothesis: The hypothesis is a sentence that gives an idea to the reader what your essay is all about. It is necessary that the first sentence of the essay conclusion must be the paraphrase or restatement of the hypothesis. The opinion of the author: The body paragraph should usually include the objective information, the conclusion must contain about two sentences eloquent the writer’s opinion, but make sure that there will be no use of â€Å"I†in the conclusion of the essay, as it is not allowed in formal essay writing. The scope of the conclusion: Do not write too much in the conclusion other than the paraphrase hypothesis and the writer’s short opinion. The conclusion is not a story and don’t try to introduce something new or unrelated information in it otherwise the reader will at once reject your essay or will give you low grades. Make sure all the information you mentioned here must be from your introduction or body paragraphs and the scope of the conclusion must be limited to what you have already mentioned in your essay. Remember to always end your conclusion with your opinion. Above are some tips to write a great compare contrast essay conclusion. If you want to make your compare contrast essay conclusion, outstanding and want to get good grades then it is necessary to carefully follow each and every step. Best of luck for your next essay.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on History Of Computers
History of Computers in America Only once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. A machine that has done all this and more now exists in nearly every business in the U.S. and one out of every two households. This incredible invention is the computer. The electronic computer has been around for over a half-century, but its ancestors have been around for 2000 years. However, only in the last 40 years has it changed the American society. From the first wooden abacus to the latest high-speed microprocessor, the computer has changed nearly every aspect of people’s lives for the better. The very earliest existence of the modern day computer’s ancestor is the abacus. These date back to almost 2000 years ago. It is simply a wooden rack holding parallel wires on which beads are strung. When these beads are moved along the wire according to "programming" rules that the user must memori ze, all ordinary arithmetic operations can be performed. The next innovation in computers took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first digital calculating machine. It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal’s father who was a tax collector. In the early 1800’s, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage designed an automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could store up to 1000 50-digit numbers. Built in to his machine were operations that included everything a modern general-purpose computer would need. It was programmed byand stored data oncards with holes punched in them, appropriately called punchcards. His inventions were failures for the most part because of the lack of precision machining techniques used at the time and the lack of demand for such a device. After Babbage, people began to lose interest in computers. However, between 1... Free Essays on History Of Computers Free Essays on History Of Computers History of Computers in America Only once in a lifetime will a new invention come about to touch every aspect of our lives. Such a device that changes the way we work, live, and play is a special one, indeed. A machine that has done all this and more now exists in nearly every business in the U.S. and one out of every two households. This incredible invention is the computer. The electronic computer has been around for over a half-century, but its ancestors have been around for 2000 years. However, only in the last 40 years has it changed the American society. From the first wooden abacus to the latest high-speed microprocessor, the computer has changed nearly every aspect of people’s lives for the better. The very earliest existence of the modern day computer’s ancestor is the abacus. These date back to almost 2000 years ago. It is simply a wooden rack holding parallel wires on which beads are strung. When these beads are moved along the wire according to "programming" rules that the user must memori ze, all ordinary arithmetic operations can be performed. The next innovation in computers took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first digital calculating machine. It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal’s father who was a tax collector. In the early 1800’s, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage designed an automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could store up to 1000 50-digit numbers. Built in to his machine were operations that included everything a modern general-purpose computer would need. It was programmed byand stored data oncards with holes punched in them, appropriately called punchcards. His inventions were failures for the most part because of the lack of precision machining techniques used at the time and the lack of demand for such a device. After Babbage, people began to lose interest in computers. However, between 1...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Character of Touchstone in Shakespeares As You Like It Shakespeare As You Like It Essays
The Character of Touchstone in As You Like It  As You Like It features, like so many of Shakespeare's plays, a professional clown, Touchstone, and it's worth paying some attention to his role for what it contributes towards establishing and maintaining the upbeat comic spirit of the play. For the jester is the constant commentator on what is going on. His humour, pointed or otherwise, thus inevitably contributes to the audience's awareness of what is happening, and the way in which other characters treat him is often a key indicator of their sensibilities. Touchstone is one of the gentlest and happiest clowns in all of Shakespeare. He comments on the action, makes jokes at other people's expense, and offers ironic insights about their situation. But throughout As You Like It, such traditional roles of the fool are offered and taken with a generosity of spirit so that his remarks never shake the firm comic energies of the play. When he ridicules Orlando's verses, Rosalind laughs along with him. When he points out to Corin (in 3.2) that the shepherd must be damned for never having lived at court, Corin takes it as good natured jesting (which it is). When Touchstone takes Audrey away from her rural swain, William, there are apparently no hard feelings (although much here depends on the staging). In this play, the professional jester participates in and contributes to a style of social interaction which is unqualified by any more sober and serious reflections. This makes Touchstone very different from the bitter fool of King Le ar or from the most complex fool of all, the sad Feste of Twelfth Night , both of whom offer comments that cast either a shrewd, melancholy, or bitter irony on the proceedings.  Touchstone himself becomes the target of much humour by his immediate attraction to Audrey, the "foul" country lass. There is something richly comic here, seeing the staunch apologist for the sophisticated life of the court fall so quickly to his animal lust. But the satire here is very good humoured. Touchstone himself acknowledges the frailty of his vows and does not attempt to deceive anyone about his intentions.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
HRM- BMW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
HRM- BMW - Essay Example BMW’s move shows that management is not the lone representative of a business; it is bigger than that- there are lessons to be learned and given from and by everyone involved. A cohesive business is a successful one, and a company can only be cohesive when all levels of employees believe that they can speak up and make a difference. The more people who can get involved in the process, the more it will be an accurate reflection of the company and community’s true set of standards and complementary goals. #3 I believe that both employees and managers would think the new policy is fair. The only potential obstacle may be that employees or the public might see the move as a calculated response to media pressure due to recent corporate scandals involving inflated executive bonuses. However, as the case states, â€Å"BMW has been discussing its compensation practices for months, and claims its announcement has nothing to do with a larger debate about public accountability of executives†(BusinessWeek, 2011). The linked bonus program shows a link between management and employees in the company, and an expansion of vertical communication that will, I believe, make the line workers feel more valued and responsible, thus increasing their productivity as well as their company loyalty. REFERENCE BusinessWeek Case (2011).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Egypt vs Saudi Arabia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1
Egypt vs Saudi Arabia - Term Paper Example b. Egypt, it has a better history in political parties’ formation and practice, than Saudi Arabia. The existence of Liberation Rally, Nation Union, Arab Socialist Union and National Democratic Parties provided a better platform for the political leadership to introduce change in Egypt. a. Earlier networks of political groups and social formations that had carried traditions of resistance through the period of repression became mobilized beneath the surface of dictatorial order (Paulsen n.d.). 3. With the leadership of the country limited to one Royal family, there may lack instabilities in the governance, but active and talented leadership skills within the communities will always be left out. a. Most of the Middle East countries have large deposits of petroleum oil, and gases which attracts powerful nations, if not forcefully getting involved in the commotions of these Arab countries, in the name of providing a solution, but rather their intentions are to keep them closer for future reasons. a. The army leaders in Egypt realized that that their establishments could present a valuable role under new administration, and thus were willing to dare throwing out the old guard as they were not personal instruments of the ruler (Gause III 2011). A. The System and rule of governance between Egypt and Saudi Arabia’s leadership, international relations, countries’ security structure and role, and the law reform give the explanation for Saudi Arabia and Egypt divergence in outcomes. B. Egypt uprising was strongly supported by protestors in conjunction with political parties presence.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Accounts Department Essay Example for Free
The Accounts Department Essay 5.0 CPL was formerly part of the Ashstead Plc but was the subject of a management buyout (MBO) from its previous owners six year ago by five directors-Greg Pearce, Jane Yip, Ruth Jones, Ahmed Khan and Susan Marther. Ashstead and in the everything from brick of the butter and it 2005 when the initial decision was made to move the business model away from being a conglomerate. It was decision that lead to MBO to Chic Paints Limited. 5.1 In early April 2013, Jane Yip, who was that finance director of Chic Paint Limited left the company and was replace by Dave Whistler. 5.3 The purpose of the accounts department is to complete all activities relating to the production of the accounts including sales and purchase ledger and payroll. Due to some of the identified weakness there is management accounting activity or cash flow forecasting. An organization chart is included in appendix 1 5.4 The accounts department-key internal stakeholders 5.4.1 The accounts department consists of finance director who has responsibility for the general strategy of the company as a whole; he is in charge of all accounting, finance, and IT issues and personnel. Many of these day to day responsibilities are delegate to the Chief Account. He also produces the manual report, including its statutory accounts, deal with all the banking and finance issues, fulfills the role of the company secretary to handles all legal issues. 5.4.2 Chief accountant is responsible for day to day running of CPLs Accounts Department. Involves in supervising the work of the accounts clerks who run the transaction accounting system on the general ledger, She has number of staff reporting to her including the costing technician, payroll clerk, accounts payable, accounts receivable clerk ,credit controller, general ledger clerk and accounting system technician. She personally management accounts, bottom up annual production and co-odination, authorizes payment of in voices, make NIC and PAYE, managing day to day cash flow and ensuring the working cycle is kept to level set out by the finance directors. 5.4.3 Accounts Payable Clerk is responsible for entering all suppliers’ invoices and credit notes into the accounts payable or issuing debit notes where necessary, for reconciling supplier’s statements to the accounts payable ledger and for controlling creditor payments 5.4.4 Credit Controller is responsible for all data input into the ledger, which involves raising sales invoices and credit notes, producing monthly statements and reconciling debtor payments. As the ledger is only updated monthly, she has to use spreadsheets for credit controls purposes, and also for carrying out the company’s credit control procedures, This involves making online credit checks on all new credit customers and recommending a credit limit to the finance directors and Sales Manager 5.4.5 The accounts department is required to inter-relate with other departments in CPL such as production department so they are can be aware of inventory and staff hour worked for the production of payroll. They also need to interact with sales department so invoices can be produced and payments are required to the purchasing department to order goods and make. 5.4.6 The accounts department uses micro excel spreadsheet to record transactions which it then manually moves to the ledger at the month end which run on the software written for CPL and enable trial balance and financial statement to be produced, inventory control is done by excel and sage 50 used for payroll.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace -- Argumentative Persuasive Internet E
Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace: Government Restrictions on Content in the United States of America (this essay is missing the url of each source cited) "Information wants to be free. The Internet fosters free speech on a global scale."[1] Introduction The Internet provides a gateway for an individual to speak freely and anonymously without being targeted to what he or she said. With this said, one of the biggest issues concerning the Internet today is freedom of speech. The issue of free speech on the Internet has been a topic of discussion around the world within the past years. It is a unique communication medium and is powerful than the traditional media[2]. Because the Internet can not be compared equally to other mediums of communication, it deserves the utmost freedom of speech protection from the government. The restriction of speech on the Internet takes away from individual's rights and freedom from experiencing the Internet's benefits and uses. Information found on the Internet is endless and boundless and this poses the question, "should the government be allowed to regulate the information and content being transmitted or posted online?" Free Speech on the Internet Free speech on the Internet is a very controversial subject and has been the key problem surrounding the Internet today. The attempt to regulate and govern the Internet is still pursued by government officials. This subject has been intensified due to terrorist attacks against the United States and around world within the past years. The government believes that by regulating the Internet, it will protect the general public from criminal actions and eliminate the exposure of children to pornography or vulgar language. Senator Jim Exon of ... ...eved 27 April 2004. Rosenthal, Elisabeth. "China Lists Controls To Restrict the Use Of E-mail and Web." The New York Times, 27 January 2000. Retrieved 26 April 2004. Smith, Craig, "Tough New Rules Don't Faze Chinese Internet Start-Ups," The New York Times, 4 October 2000. Retrieved 26 April 2004. Stewart, William. Key Internet Features - Freedom of Speech. Living Internet. Retrieved 20 April 2004. Unknown Author. An Overview of the Communications Decency Act (CDA). Center for Democracy & Technology. Retrieved 26 April 2004. Unknown Author. Communications Decency Act. Electronic Privacy Information Center. Retrieved 26 April 2004. Unknown Author. Communications Decency Act. Wikipedia. Retrieved 25 April 2004. Unknown Author. Introduction to Ethics. Engineering Handbook. Retrieved 20 April 2004.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Rockaway pipeline
I do not support radon gas because of its harmful effects that can affect everyone around or using the gas. Radon is second leading cause of lung cancer, the primary adverse health effect associated with chronic exposure to radon is lung cancer typically bronchogenic, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma. Radon also has the potential to generate genotoxic effects higher incidence of chromosomal aberrations. Radon has been linked with erotogenic effects. Radon and smoking displayed a synergistic effect.Increased levels of exposure to radon increase the probability of observing an effect; however, increased levels of exposure do not necessarily influence the type or severity of the effect. There are no zero risk thresholds for radon exposure, but instead, risk increases proportionate to the exposure time. Pipelines can explode at any time for many different reasons, and those reasons can be the cause of why shopping malls, ouses, and schoo ls could be the victims of a fatal fire after the pipelines explode.You state that the pipelines would have periodic checks and be monitored 24 hours a day, every year, but tell that to the campers of Floyd Benet Park, the trees there are prone to fire, and I sincerely doubt that you wish to spend all your profits fixing on the reparation needed to replenish all the trees. Radon decays to equally radioactive and dangerous particles, like polonium and radioactive lead, In addition, before being broken down to regular, non-radioactive lead.When people breathe in, radon is exhaled, but the radon particles ends up inside the lungs, which then will cause cancer. Only because the radon is a heavy, gas and usually gravitates towards the open floor, making in harmful for children, pets and adults The Radon particles and the progeny can plate out the sides ot gas pipelines, which makes the pipelines hot and radioactive, then making them hazardous. I recently found out that in 1986, EPA had s et a limit for exposure to radon in air at 4 picocuries per liter.Being that there is increased exposure to many inds of radiation in the world today. Universities and Organizations like John Hopkins Universities and the World Health Organization have said that 2. 7 picocuries per liter would be a much better standard, but in reality, there is really know safe level of exposure. To Whom is reading this Letter I sincerely hope you take account all of the facts and examples that I have written and explained to you this day, and I hope the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission understands the dangers or this gas and how it can affect our community,
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Health Care Spending Paper Essay
Health care costs for individuals in the United States have increased and will continue to increase. The number of people needing care and insurance is one of the major factors in health care spending. Another factor is the amount needed to be spent on new equipment and technology which will always continue to change. The U.S. health care spending accounts for 16% of the gross domestic product (GDP), which is the highest compared to other countries. Although the American populations have benefited from the investments made in health care, it still puts strains on the systems used to finance health care, such as private and public insurance programs. Many people are still without insurance and those who do have insurance have seen their out-of-pocket expenses grow from their deductibles and copayments (Kaiser Family Foundation, n.d.). Health Expenditures The national health expenditures currently have reached $2.1 trillion. According to Forman (2008), â€Å"This translated into $7,026 per person and 16% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)†(para. 3). Both of these records are the highest among the nations. The hospital spending accounts for 31% of the national health care expenditure, which continues to grow. Due to a 0.2% Medicare fee schedule update for physicians in 2006, the physician expenditure is at an generally low rate at 5.9%. Prescription drug spending has increased to 19% due to the implementation of Medicare Part D. Administrative cost have also grown over the years and is currently at 8.8% in the health care spending expenditure. The growth of this is due to the amount of Medicare beneficiaries who have enrolled in the Medicare Advantage plans. Medicaid spending has for the first time ever, decreased in the amount spent on health care, partly due to Medicare Part D (Forman, 2008). Spending too much? The level of health care spending is too high and continues to grow. It will continue to grow and exceed the overall GDP, which does not leave open opportunities for spending in other areas. Health care spending has not been manageable for some time now, resulting in a higher number of people uninsured and a greater number of consumers and employers struggling to afford insurance. The increased use of the Medicare Advantage plan has increased the importance of managed care and also puts the remaining fee-for-service system at risk (Forman, 2008). Health care in the U.S. is also much higher priced for the services than other countries. According to Kelley (2010), the public’s lack of market power – the ability to drive price based on supply and demand, as with most other products and service – is the cause of high prices in physician services, hospital services, and prescription drugs (p. 21). To Add or Cut Spending According to Kelley (2009), â€Å"Estimates suggest that as much as $700 billion a year in healthcare costs do not improve health outcomes. They occur because we pay more for care rather than better care†(p. 2). We are often provided with service that do us no good or services that we really do not need. Too much is spent on unnecessary hospitalizations, unneeded tests, over-priced drugs, and more expensive equipment that works just as well as the last and cheaper equipment (Kelley, 2009, p. 2). Compared to other countries, the U.S. health care costs are too high; more is spent per capita and the GDP percentage is the highest. Health care costs also can be reduced by eliminating the amount of medical errors, fraud and abuse, and payments for services with no evidence that they contribute better health outcomes (Kelley, 2009, p. 4). According to Kelley (2009), â€Å"The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) estimates that fraudulent billings to public and private healthcare programs are 3-10 percent of total health spending, or $75-$250 billion in fiscal year 2009†(p. 17). Kelley (2009), states that a substantial amount of care provided adds no or little value to the diagnosis of a patient’s condition or effective treatment of a diagnosed condition (p. 12). This means that the use of diagnostic test, high-price procedures, and irrelevant use of antibiotics can be decreased. The result of this could save millions of dollars in health care expenses for hospitals, patients, and insurance companies. Health care costs also can be cut by administrative costs. According to (2011), â€Å"At least 7% of health care expenditures are estimated to go toward for the administrative costs of government health care programs and the net cost of private insurance.†Health Care Finance The public’s health care needs are paid for by public and private health insurance companies, which in the year of 2010 cost about $2.6 trillion. This is ten times over the $256 billion spent in health care expenditures in 1980 (Kaiser Family Foundation, n.d.). Health care needs for citizens age 65 and older are covered through Medicare with no direct out-of-pocket expenses. Not all drug costs and medical services are covered under Medicare; some require additional coverage from private insurers (Torrey, 2010, para. 1). Private health insurance is available to employees through their employer. Americans under the age of 65 who cannot afford health insurance have a chance to be covered under state-run programs, such as SCHIP for children. There are millions of people still uninsured and many who are underinsured (Torrey, 2010, para. 2). According to Torrey (2010), â€Å"With the passage of the healthcare reform in March 2010, the number of uninsured Americans is changing so that by 2014, 32 million more Americans will have coverage†(para. 6). Economic Health Care Needs The future economic health care needs are expanding health care coverage and addressing the rising costs. The percentage of Americans with health insurance declined in 2009 (American College of Physicians, 2011). According to the American College of Physicians (2011), â€Å"The number of uninsured persons reached an all-time high, with almost 51 million people having no health insurance coverage and 59 million being without health insurance at least part of the year†(p. 2). Many people have also signed up for Medicaid and many more need to sign up with the time of the Baby Boomers. If the health care system does not come up with a solution to the finances of health care and health insurance it will not be provided. If the costs of health insurance are also not taken into account, many will lose their insurance because they can no longer afford it. I believe the needs of the health care system will be met through government financing and other programs, which may result in higher taxes. In 2014 the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will become available to nearly all Americans and will address the challenges of rising costs, inadequate capacity, and coverage. According to the American College of Physicians (2011), â€Å"ACA will address the shortage of primary care physicians by reforming payment systems and by the funding of primary care training programs†(p. 1). The health care system needs to realize how their money is being spent and wasted. The costs of medical supplies and some prescription drugs are outrageous. Starting with little changes, such as the price of aspirin in a hospital can result in lower health care costs. The important need of Americans and providing affordable health insurance is a major issue. This results in the high health expenditures that are seen today. Americans should not have to worry about whether or not they will be able to afford health care in the next few years, let alone have insurance. Americans without insurance will need to have access to some type of care or insurance. Health insurance companies and employers need to come up with a solution or find ways to help out the people of the U.S. If health care prices do not decrease soon, they may never decrease. References American College of Physicians. (2011). Health Care Coverage, Capacity and Cost: What Does the Future Hold?. Retrieved from Forman, H.P. (2008). National Health Care Expenditure Update: A New Threat or an Opportunity?. Retrieved from (2011). US Health Care Costs. Retrieved from Kelley, R. (2009). Where Can $700 Billion in Waste be Cut Annually from the U.S. Healthcare System?. Retrieved from Torrey, T. (2010). Healthcare Reform – How Should Healthcare be Paid For?. Retrieved from
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Make Marketing Team Management Easy (Free Templates)
How to Make Marketing Team Management Easy (Free Templates) Managing a team can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You’re responsible not only for your own work, but for the output of all your direct reports, too. In fact, it has been said that the true measure of a manager’s productivity, is actually the measure of their team’s output as a whole. No pressure, right? Fortunately, learning how to effectively guide high-functioning marketing departments isn’t impossible. By investing in proper skill development and establishing solid processes, you can stop feeling like you’re herding cats and successfully lead your team to success. Free templates to help you effectively manage your marketing team.First, Snag Some Free Templates Before digging into the meat of this post, take a second to download these no-cost resources: Marketing Project Management Calendar Template (Excel): See everything your team is working on. Marketing Workflow Checklist Template (Excel): Help each team member execute projects correctly with clear checklists. Marketing Project Management Plan (Word): Map out a strategy for managing your team’s projects. Combined with the in-depth advice in this post, you’re well on your way to taking the pain out of corralling creative teams and managing marketers the best way.What is the Real Role of a Team Manager? Managing people is about much more than just being someone else’s boss. It means making your success be other’s success. Everything else about the role stems from this simple truth. When you’re in the lead, it isn’t all about you, even though you’re ultimately the one steering the ship. It’s about making sure everyone performs up to their potential. Achieving that aim is easier said than done though. Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline.Introducing the Team Management Dashboard in One way to give yourself the edge when it comes to team management is to use the Team Management Dashboard in (and if you’re new, it’s an industry-leading marketing management platform). It makes it easy to see your entire team’s workload and the progress they’re making in one place: Check it out. Then, schedule a demo to see how it can change the way you manage your team. What Are Some Common Team Management Roadblocks? Whether you’re new to management or you’ve been leading marketing teams for a while, you’re bound to face some barriers. Barrier #1: Siloed Teams The team you’re managing will likely need to collaborate with other teams, too. But, if those teams are siloed, that can make getting things done difficult. There are a few reasons for that: You can’t move faster than the other team is willing to go. They likely have other projects and their own priorities, beyond just the things you’re collaborating on. Getting teams on the same page can be tough. For the reasons listed above. Different processes can clash. They have their way of doing things, and you’ve got yours. If the two can’t be reconciled, work starts to break down. Barrier #2: Lack of Clear, Shared Goals Rallying your team to succeed requires having a shared goal. Otherwise, what are you actually working toward? Without some sort of objective, you’re liable to just do a lot of stuff, look busy, and accomplish nothing. That, in turn, leads to a burned out team that’s working hard but ends up with nothing to show for it. Rallying your team to succeed requires having a shared goal. Otherwise, what are you working toward?Barrier #3: Lack of Leadership If no one’s steering the ship, you’ll never end up where you want to go. And if you’re reading this, odds are leadership falls on your shoulders. Businesses, in general, are feeling a gap between leadership wants and reality, too. According to a study from Globoforce, a full 93% of managers need training on how to train their teams. If that sounds shocking, perhaps it shouldn’t. Management and leadership are skills that take years of experience to develop. Excelling at helping others excel takes years of intentional practice. Fortunately, you don’t have to depend completely on hard-fought lessons in the rough and tumble trenches of marketing and business. For one thing, you’re reading this blog post. That’s a point in your favor. And if you’re part of the 93% who need some help, at least you’re not alone (and odds are the other 7% are lying anyway).
Monday, November 4, 2019
Onnect Events in Fitzgerald's life with situations and events in The Research Paper
Onnect Events in Fitzgerald's life with situations and events in The Great Gatsby - Research Paper Example His life is also a clear portrait of the emotional upheavals and stress a person suffers in order to maintain the heights achieved so early in life. Born of an American father Mr. Edward Fitzgerald and an Irish mother Ms Mollie Fitzgerald in 1896, he led a comfortable childhood. Although his father lost his job when Fitzgerald was twelve years old but the inheritance of his mother was enough to maintain the family’s status and comforts. He was sent to the Newman School in New Jersey in 1911. Father Sigourney Fay in this school recognized his literary talents and encouraged him to work for distinctive achievements in life. The guidance provided by Father Fay proved to be the foundation of his scholarly accomplishments later in life. For receiving college education he was sent to the prestigious Princeton University. He was fascinated by the aristocracy and the royal charm of this place. Here, he took great pride in his literary pursuits but he was not attentive and serious towa rds his academic studies. He contributed regularly to the Princeton Tiger humor magazine and also composed lyrics for the Princeton Triangle Club. Fitzgerald joined the army in 1917 as he was convinced that he will not be able to graduate. He continued to nurture his intellectual interests. He wrote his first novel ‘The Romantic Egotist’ this year only. The novel was rejected by the Charles Scribner’s Sons but interestingly they praised the novel’s originality. The writer in him got the impetus to work harder on it. Meanwhile he was commissioned at Camp Sheridan which was located near Alabama. He was a young lad at this juncture of life who fell in love for Zelda Sayre who was a celebrated belle. He was discharged by the Army in 1919 and went to New York to try his luck in advertisement business as his love Zelda was not happy with his small earnings. He was also ambitious for achieving distinguished success in life and in his efforts to achieve this he re -wrote his novel but it was rejected for the second time by the Scribners. He was not successful in his advertising venture as well. Unwilling to continue with him Zelda broke her engagement with him. Disappointed he returned from New York in 1919 and decided to re-write his novel. He has titled it this time as ‘This side of the paradise’ and sent it once again to Scribners. The editor Maxwell Perkins selected it. The publication of this novel in 1920 proved to be a windfall for him. Its huge success gave celebrity status overnight to twenty four years old Fitzgerald. Interestingly critics trace his mesmerism of Princeton days as well as the broken heart of a young lover in this masterpiece. This early distinctive success in his life brought material fortunes for him as well. Soon after the publication of this novel he became one of the highly paid writers of America. He started living life king size. His infatuation with Zelda compelled him to forget her money minded a ttitude and he married her at this point as now he could lead an extravagant and lavish lifestyle with her and shifted to New York. For Fitzgerald couple, life blossomed into a bed of roses. They were also blessed by their only child Frances Scott Fitzgerald in October 1921. Fitzgerald was writing professionally short stories and plays as well to supplement his income. ‘Flappers and Philosophers’ and ‘Tales of the Jazz Age’ are his wonderful collection of short stories. He wrote his second novel ‘The Beautiful and Damned’ during this time. At this point he was living a life beyond his means expecting further successes as a writer. In this process, he came under heavy debts. Incidentally, his work of political satire ‘
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Managing Change Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Managing Change Report - Essay Example However, it has been a recognized fact that in an organizational context it is quite easier to determine and plan about initiating any change process than to execute it. This is because it is simpler to change systems as well as processes rather than to change the notion and the perception of people towards any impending change. It is recognized fact that people in an organization i.e. employees are the key players and drivers in order to achieve desired success from initiating any change process. There in lies the need for proper communication of change among the employees with the aim to improve and to tackle any behavioral problem that can occur (Neogroup, 2007). The report intends to recognize and to develop a comprehensive strategy that can be implemented in an organizational perspective to efficiently communicate a significant shift in the company direction. The change that is to be initiated will encompass alterations of senior managerial level and incorporation of additional workforce. In the organizational scenario, in case of change management process a significant problem which generally takes place is regarding proper communication of change. An organization’s higher management primarily desires to initiate a change process in order to bring in certain positive alterations in the organizational fortune. These change requiring situations often include alterations in senior management and induction of additional staff in the organizational workforce. If these situations are not handled properly then it can lead to unpleasant work environment, resentment among the employees and low employee morale among others. These factors can in turn create an inverse reaction within the organizational context and any positive desired outcome can become void (Government Office For the South West, 2007). Communication can be â€Å"defined as the exchange of an information, thought and emotion between individuals of groups, in other words, communication plays a
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